Wednesday, February 15, 2017

The Burger Dip (aka Yankee Dip) Sandwich at Bellevue, WA's Lil Jon's Restaurant Awarded a 4 of 5 DeliciScore™ (Really Good) on this 8th day of February, 2017 - Not bad!

Fanciness with Layouts from Instagram.

The place. I was on my way home from work and had basically skipped lunch so was starving.  I knew this place had dips so I gave it a shot.

It's a diner with fancy things like gumball machines.

Diner.  Got it?

And they have a menu, which is nice if you want to know what a place serves.


A variety of dipped-sandwich (French dip platform) options.


Other things, too, and breakfast all day.

My "view".

I suppose those things make milkshakes.

I didn't wait long and then my meal of food magically appeared!

There it is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here it is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Nice looking. Jus is a lighter brown color but looks legit.  Nicely toasted bread.  Some pickle chips.  Golden fries.

You can see the butter on there.  Pickle chips also look appealing.

I like eating French fries sometimes.  I dipped these into ketchup.  I wanted to ALSO dip them into yellow mustard but none was on the table and I didn't want to hassle the limited staff.


Like I said, light colored jus but it was also delicious and authentic.

Green tasseled toothpicks to make sure things don't go flopping everywhere.  This is like a sandwich's brazier.

Beef.  It's not high grade burger or anything like that but sometimes I really like to eat burger.  And it doesn't have to be too fancy.

We dip French dip sandwiches.

And we get them soaked in jus.

And we eat them for enjoyment and nourishment.

We make progress on our projects.

We continue and try to use what his provided to us.

We see tasty remaining bits and we consume them.

Sometimes we succeed.

And we don't always have to pay a ton of money.

Raw Tasting Notes

  • Jus look.  The jus was a tan-ish/grayish color but that's okay.  It looks kind of different, but that's okay.  We are tolerant.  
  • Jus.  I drank the jus.  It was delicious and gets a 4 or 5
  • Sides.  I liked the simple yet delicious, refreshing and very effective pickle chips
  • Size.  This was a "classic size".  Not too big, not too small. Had no cheese but who needs it.
  • Bread. The bread was soft, nicely toasted and buttered 4 of 5.
  • Fries.  The fries were good and hot.  Where was my mustard!?!?! 
  • Meat (hamburger).  The hamburger patties were low (2 of 5), kind of greasy and even fatty tasting but when we combine that issue with delicious jus, things get good.
  • Sandwich and overall.  The sandwich alone, without the jus is a 2 of 5 (really not that wonderful) but when we place that sandwich into their delicious jus, it becomes a 4 or 5
  • Winning.  The jus is the great neutralizer here

Other stuff post facto

Estrella is a very sweet companion.

Sometimes it snows.

And sometimes we live at elevation where there is more snow.

Like for reals!

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